We are now open for orders that will be shipped January, February, and the first week in March 2025.

Bare Root Cherries

Cherries are one of the most popular fruits in the nation. Breeders are constantly working to provide more varieties for warmer areas in the country. The varieties Lapins and Royal Rainier were the first of these offerings, with chill hours of 400 to 500, but the newest low chill cherries, Royal Crimson, Royal Lee and Minnie Royal, require only 200 to 300 chill hours. Will Florida be the next cherry capitol of the world? Stay tuned...

Good drainage is one of the most important factors in cherry tree success. If your soil does not drain well and you have your heart set on growing cherry trees, consider constructing a raised bed. You can use lumber or railroad ties to enclose the bed and fill it with a good mix of top soil and soil amendment.

Results 1 - 22 of 22



Bing Cherry - Semi-Dwarf

Large, firm, juicy, sweet cherry, nearly black when ripe. Has superb flavor, the number one cherry. Ripens late May to mid June. Large, vigorous tree. Zones 5 to 9. 700 hrs. Pollenized by Black Tartarian, Lapins, Van, Rainier, also Stella in colder climates. Available on Max.

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Bing Cherry - Standard

Large, firm, juicy, sweet cherry, nearly black when ripe. Has superb flavor, the number one cherry. Ripens late May to mid June. Large, vigorous tree. Zones 5 to 9. 700 hrs. Pollenized by Black Tartarian, Lapins, Van, Rainier, also Stella in colder climates. Available on Mazz.

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Black Tartarian Cherry - Standard

Medium sized, nearly black, sprightly flavor. Vigorous, productive tree. Ripens in mid to late May. 700 hours. Pollenizer required; interfruitful with all popular sweet cherries. Zones 5-7. Available on Mazz.

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Craig's Crimson Cherry - Semi-dwarf

Excellent genetic semi-dwarf, self-fruitful sweet cherry; winner of recent taste test. Medium to large, firm, dark red to nearly black fruit has wonderful, spicy flavor and firm texture. Ripens mid to late May. Zones 4 to 9. 5-600 hrs. Pat. No. 7320 (Zaiger). Available on Max.

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English Morello Sour Cherry - Standard

Late ripening (mid June) tart cherry for cooking, sometimes eaten fresh when fully ripe. Dark red to nearly black fruit has dark juice. Small, round-headed tree has drooping branches, is easy to harvest. Zones 4 to 9. 500 hours or less. Self-fruitful. Available on Mazz.

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Lapins Cherry - Semi-dwarf

Self-fruitful cherry from Canada. Large, firm, dark red sweet cherry with good flavor. Fruit not prone to splitting. Ripens in early June, 4 days after Bing. Zones 5 to 9. 500 hours or less. Self-fruitful; good pollenizer for other cherries. Available on Max.

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Lapins Cherry - Standard

Self-fruitful cherry from Canada. Large, firm, dark red sweet cherry with good flavor. Fruit not prone to splitting. Ripens in early June, 4 days after Bing. Zones 5 to 9. 500 hours or less. Self-fruitful; good pollenizer for other cherries. Available on Mazz.

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Minnie Royal Cherry - Semi-dwarf

Medium sized red cherry with good flavor and a low chill requirement. Tree is very productive and ripens 11-14 days ahead of Bing. Pollenized by Royal Lee or Royal Crimson. Zones 8-10. 200 to 300 hours. Pat. no. 12942 (Zaiger). Available on Max.

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Montmorency Sour Cherry - Standard

Large sour cherry with bright red skin and firm, yellow flesh. Has rich, tart, tangy flavor. Perfect for cobblers, pies, etc. Extremely winter hardy. Very heavy bearing; ripens late season, in June. Zones 4 to 9. 500 hours or less. Self-fruitful. Available on Mazz.

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North Star Dwarf Cherry

Dwarf sour cherry is attractive, densely foliated, naturally small tree growing to about 8-10 ft. Large, meaty, tart, red skinned cherry with red juice is excellent for pies and cobblers, also used fresh when fully ripe. Hardy to -40 degrees F. Very productive, often bears in second year. Resists cracking and brown rot. Ripens early to mid June in central Calif., a little later than Montmorency. Zones 4 to 9. 500 hrs. Self-fruitful. Available on Mazz.

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Rainier Cherry - Semi-dwarf

Large yellow cherry with red blush. Sweet, crisp and flavorful, superior to Royal Ann. Very cold hardy. Mid season harvest(late May/early June). Zones 5 to 9. 700 hrs. Pollenizer required: interfruitful with Van, Black Tartarian, Bing, Lapins and Lambert. Available on Max.

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Rainier Cherry - Standard

Large yellow cherry with red blush. Sweet, crisp and flavorful, superior to Royal Ann. Very cold hardy. Mid season harvest(late May/early June). Zones 5 to 9. 700 hrs. Pollenizer required: interfruitful with Van, Black Tartarian, Bing, Lapins and Lambert. Available on Mazz.

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Royal Crimson Cherry - Semi-dwarf

(Tested as 6GM25) At last, a self-fruitful low chill cherry! Bright crimson fruit with superb flavor. Interfruitful with Minnie Royal and Royal Lee. Ripens in early to mid May. Zones 8-10. 200 to 300 hours. Patent pending (Zaiger). Available on Max.

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Royal Crimson Cherry - Standard

(Tested as 6GM25) At last, a self-fruitful low chill cherry! Bright crimson fruit with superb flavor. Interfruitful with Minnie Royal and Royal Lee. Ripens in early to mid May. Zones 8-10. 200 to 300 hours. Patent pending (Zaiger). Available on Mazz.

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Royal Lee Cherry - Semi-dwarf

Medium-large red heart shaped cherry is firm with excellent flavor. Tree is very productive with a low chill requirement. Pollenized by Minnie Royal or Royal Crimson. Zones 8-10. 200 to 300 hours. Pat. no. 12472 (Zaiger). Available on Max.

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Royal Rainier Cherry - Semi-dwarf

Large, yellow cherry with slightly more red blush than Rainier. Excellent flavor, taste test winner. Ripens early, about 3-5 days ahead of Rainier. Pollenized by Bing, Black Tartarian and Lapins. Moderate chill requirement, Zones 5 to 9. 500 hours estimated. Available on Max.

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Royal Rainier Cherry - Standard

Large, yellow cherry with slightly more red blush than Rainier. Excellent flavor, taste test winner. Ripens early, about 3-5 days ahead of Rainier. Pollenized by Bing, Black Tartarian and Lapins. Zones 5 to 9. Moderate chill requirement, 500 hours estimated. Available on Mazz.

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Stella Cherry - Semi-dwarf

Self-fruitful; no pollenizer needed. Large, nearly black, richly flavored sweet cherry similar to its parent, Lambert. Late harvest (early to mid June). Zones 5 to 9. 400 hours. Pollenizes Bing, except in mild winter climates. Available on Max.

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Stella Cherry - Standard

Self-fruitful; no pollenizer needed. Large, nearly black, richly flavored sweet cherry similar to its parent, Lambert. Late harvest (early to mid June). Zones 5 to 9. 400 hours. Pollenizes Bing, except in mild winter climates. Available on Mazz.

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Sweetheart Cherry - Standard

A self-fruitful cherry that ripens mid to late June to extend the cherry season. The large bright red fruit has a unique taste and remains crunchy when picked. Resistant to cracking. Trademarked. Plant patent applied for. Self-fruitful. Zones 5 to 9. 5-600 chill hrs. Available on Mazz.

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Utah Giant Cherry - Semi-dwarf

Best sweet cherry, according to Utah folks. Larger, firmer, more flavorful than Bing or Lambert. Good canner. Does not double. Ripens late May to early June. Zones 4 to 9. 800 hrs. Pollenizer required: Bing, Lambert, Rainier, Van. Available on Max.

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Utah Giant Cherry - Standard

Best sweet cherry, according to Utah folks. Larger, firmer, more flavorful than Bing or Lambert. Good canner. Does not double. Ripens late May to early June. Zones 4 to 9. 800 hrs. Pollenizer required: Bing, Lambert, Rainier, Van. Available on Mazz.

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