We are now open for orders that will be shipped February, and the first week in March 2025. 

Bare Root Asian Pears

The Asian pear is often called “pear apple” although it is not a cross between an apple and a pear. Rather, it is the descendant of two Asian species of pear. The fruit is sweet and juicy, often described as refreshing. Most that we find in the U.S. are Japanese varieties which are round.  Most Asian pears do not require as many hours of cold as the European pears, but they can withstand frost.

Asian pears are somewhat less susceptible to the bacterial disease fire blight (Erwinia amylovora) which can be a problem for European pears. Certain varieties such as Shinko and Kikusui exhibit more resistance. This disease is more prevalent in certain parts of the country. Check with your local ag or horticultural experts if you are in doubt about your area. Coddling moths can also be a problem.  They attack apples and European pears as well. Pheromone traps can be useful indicators of their presence and, thus, the most beneficial time to spray. An important deterrent is a thorough cleanup in the fall.  Be sure to remove all old fruit and leaves on the ground.

Results 1 - 2 of 2

Asian Pears


Hosui Asian Pear - Semi-dwarf

Large, top quality fruit; high scoring in taste tests; perhaps the tastiest Asian pear. Juicy, very sweet, flavorful, refreshing, low acid. Brownish orange skin, russet type. Blooms late, ripens early to mid August. Zones 5 to 10. 3-400 hours. Pollenized by Shinko, Chojuro, Bartlett or 20th Century. Available on OHxF 333.

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Shinseiki Asian Pear - Semi-dwarf

Juicy, sweet, mild, medium sized Asian pear with smooth, thin, bright yellow skin. Easy to grow. Keeps well. Harvest late July/early August. Vigorous, precocious, usually bears in second year; high yields. Zones 5 to 10. 250-300 hours. Self-fruitful. Available on OHxF333.

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