We are now open for orders that will be shipped February, and the first week in March 2025.
Order Bare Root Fruit Trees Online
Overview To Ordering
Bare Root Fruit Trees Online
This page contains the highlights for ordering bareroot fruit trees online. For complete details, please see:
How To Order Bareroot Online
Our website is organized by category. Just click on the desired selection in the left column to see our current availability. You can complete your order online except for the shipping cost. After we receive your order, we will email you with your invoice including shipping. Your credit card is not charged until right before we ship to you in January, February or March.
Sorry, but we are unable to accept your gardening questions by email. However, if you have questions related to your bare root order, please phone us at 805 466 3406.
Important Shipping Information
- Please note that our shipping season extends from the beginning of January to the first week of March.
- Your order cannot be shipped prior to that because our growers have to wait until the plants are dormant before they can ship to us. Hence, we do not receive our stock until the end of December.
- We cannot ship after the first week of March because we do not have cold storage and, under normal circumstances, most trees start breaking dormancy shortly thereafter.
- We do not charge your credit card until right before we ship your order.
About Our Bareroot Selection
Many of our customers have ordered our bare root fruit trees, berries and other plants either online or through our mail order catalog for many years. They like our high quality root stock, extensive selection of hard-to-find items, personal service and our guarantee that plants will grow if suited for your climate.
Most trees are 5/8" caliper and will be cut down to about three to three and a half feet to fit into the shipping box. They will be shipped bare root, which means that they are dormant with no leaves, no soil and no pot. Hence, they need to be planted as soon as possible after receipt. When fruit trees are dormant, they are very resistant to cold, so do not hestitate to plant unless the weather is particularly foul. If you cannot plant straight away, it is vital that the roots are kept moist until planting. Instructions that cover most eventualities will be sent with your shipment.
How We Ship
Our website accepts orders from September through early March, but we suggest that you order early for best selection since some items are in limited supply. We ship via UPS to most of the continental U.S. and by Priority Mail to Puerto Rico. Orders are shipped January through the first week of March, depending upon your choice of ship date. See Ordering & Shipping Info and Choosing Ship Time for more details.
Backyard Orchard Culture
What Is Backyard Orchard Culture? Families today have less space for fruit trees, less time to take care of them, and less time to process or preserve large crops than in the past. Accordingly, today's family orchards should be planned and managed differently. The objective of Backyard Orchard Culture is the prolonged harvest of tree-ripe fruit from a small space. This means planting close together different fruit varieties that ripen successively and keeping the trees small by summer pruning.